Monday, June 21, 2010

More Homework!?!

I promise that all of my future blog posts will not be simply my homework for my current class load but hey...what's becoming a teacher without a little homework? This is another assignment for my M500 seminar at IU South Bend.
Exercise 6.3- Recalling my Own Learning Experiences in College
The purpose of this exercise is to recall and share learning experiences from your own college days. Reflect upon those with respect to their relationship to the Learning Experiences Ladder and the discussion of the access and delivery modes of instruction.
1. Recall one vivid learning experience from each level of your college schooling and identify its position on the Learning Experiences Ladder.
College Experience: IU Bloomington History of Rock and Roll Class-Lesson on The Beach Boys "Good Vibrations"
In explaining the importance and ground-breaking nature of this song, our professor was very enthused. After lecturing on the history of the Beach Boys and their music, he dove right into "Good Vibrations". As the song began, he took a marker to the dry-erase board that spanned the lecture hall and literally doodled out the song, its highs, lows, peaks, and valleys. He was up, down, back and forth throughout the song in often times violent motion. It conveyed to this lecture hall of 100's of students the nature and complexity of the song. After he was finished, he played the song again and had each student repeat the exercise in their own notebook.
Position on Ladder: This lesson would fall under the Vicarious Experiences step on the ladder. For those unfamiliar with the ladder, it's about in the middle and is a lesson that engages more than one sense, learners are indirectly "doing", and there can be some limited physical activity involved.
2. Was the access or delivery mode used?
The delivery mode was used, meaning the class was driven by teacher lecture and example.
3. List the weaknesses and the strengths of the mode used.
In this particular case, the delivery method was successful because of the enthusiasm of the instructor. You could feel the passion and importance of the song. Using the marker as he played the music really drove home his spoken lecture. Another successful part of the lesson was getting the students involved and allowing us to express ourselves and what we felt when we heard the music.
As far as weaknesses, this professor tended to use the delivery mode most of the time(it being a huge lecture), so sometimes the enthusiasm wasn't always there and some students were clearly not always focused. Also, some students were familiar with some artists music prior to class however, there was no ability to skip these lessons. Learning was very much driven by the pace of the professor.

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