Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Why I love July 4th Weekend!

This is a post that has very little to do with teaching, but I wanted to write about my favorite holiday. Part of the reason I love July 4th weekend is because it always kicks off with my birthday on July 2nd, which also happens to be the real Independence Day(on July 2nd, the Continental Congress formally voted to severe ties with Great Britain).
Having a family now that includes a three year and a three month old also makes the holiday special. There is nothing like watching your boys gaze up at the fireworks in a splash of giggles, ohhhhhs, ahhhhhs, and the occasional look of fear and wonderment! When I look up at those fireworks, I can't help but think of the amazing life we are blessed with in this country. As we watched the fireworks just a few days ago, my wife turned to me and whispered, "This is what life is all about!" It is. It is those moments when everything else fades away, we get to look up at the stars, and simply enjoy a moment.
I guess that's a lesson for everyone. As I get ready to start my second summer session of classes, I have really enjoyed some relaxing time with family and friends. Don't ever take those moments for granted. Students, as your struggling through school and the tough work it takes to do well, don't forget to slow down and enjoy the full array of experiences that your school has to offer. Take time out and enjoy a football game, school musical, or band performance. You'll be amazed at the talent in your school. Get involved in German Club, Student Council, Drama Club, or some other activity that can take your mind away from your school work. It will make you a better person and a better student. I know this July 4th weekend really re-energized me, and I'm looking forward to diving back into class tonight!


  1. Guess you really did listen and observe as you were growing up. Dad and I are proud of your decision; know you will continue the family tradition in fine style.

  2. Knauff I couldn't agree with you more. It is the little things in life to remember. We were talking about how 4th of July is one of our family traditions that we still keep alive even though we don't have the house in Hebron anymore. I love holiday traditions and familly traditions. I think it is the one thing that keeps a family tied together through thick and thin. I thought your piece hit the nail right on the head! I love reading about your experiences. Very interesting.

  3. Life is now. This moment. I try to remember that. Thanks for reminding me. We all need to step back, slow down, and be thankful for all that we have.
