Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Remember where "they" come from!

Okay, the fall semester is in full swing and tons of ideas are swirling around in my head. In all of my classes, we've talked about the importance of connecting with our students, understanding their circumstances, and being mindful of all the issues, activities, and "stuff" that adolescents have to deal with. Some things kids put on themselves, but many other issues are forced onto them without any consideration for their feelings or needs.
One of my professors really brought this point home when she mentioned the recent Koran burning issue. Imagine, for a moment, you are the only Muslim student in your particular school, grade, class, whatever. Can you imagine the effects the coverage of this topic could have on you? What are the other kids saying in your ear as you walk the halls? Are home discussions with your parents veering towards keeping safe and knowing your surroundings? As a teacher, are you being mindful of what is being said in your presence? Are you teaching respect for all people?
As teachers, it is important for us to have developed a relationship with this student. Should he/she suddenly shut down, sulk, become aggressive, or stop talking, we will be able to quickly spot this change in behavior and address however necessary. By making an effort to know our students, we can create a safe environment for them to be themselves, even when it feels like their world is spinning out of control.

Be mindful, be respectful, be friendly, be caring!

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