Monday, December 20, 2010

Go overseas!

As many of you may know, I spent a year in Germany as a high school exchange student, attending a German school and living with a German family. It was the most profound experience of my life and it influenced my decision to study German and History in college. It was also the first step on this path that is leading me to become a teacher of German!

I spend the year in Germany in 1997-1998. For the last 12 years, many young people have asked me about that experience. My response is always the same, and it is one that I share with you today. If an opportunity presents itself to you to spend some time living, actually living, in another country, take it and don't look back. Even if you are afraid to learn another language, seek out an opportunity in an English language speaking country and take advantage of it. If you truly believe in making the world a smaller place and making connections, spend some time living in another country. Living in a new culture allows you to see life through another perspective. Customs may be different. Not better, not worse, just different. You will be forced to try things you never would of considered before. More times than not, the experience will change the way you look at the world in a positive way.

As a teacher, I look forward to sharing my experiences living overseas with my students. While being an exchange student may not be an option for everyone, I will try to bring some of the different perspectives I learned into my classroom in order to show my students what life in another country is like. I also look forward to being involved in student exchange programs where I can open doors to other cultures for my students. There is no better way of seeing the world than through the eyes of another person. If you ever have the chance, take the plunge. Go overseas!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Das Ende des Semesters

As I sit here on campus today, I can revel in the fact that I have completed my course work for Transition to Teaching in a very successful way! I am still waiting to receive one final grade, but it looks like I will have achieved straight A's for my course work.
I now turn my focus to student teaching beginning January 3rd. I am excited to dive right in from day one and start learning. The student teaching placement only lasts 11 weeks! It will be over before I know it. I will be teaching my cooperating teacher's full class load for a minimum of 5 weeks. I am also looking forward to becoming a part of the overall school community. I have said from day one that I not only want to be a great teacher, but I also want to be a heavily involved member of the overall school community. I want to reach out to students beyond the classroom and engage them in activities that interest them. I want to create interesting and relevant lessons that students willingly contemplate beyond the classroom. I want my classroom to be a place that students look forward to coming to on a daily basis. They will be challenged, engaged, and respected! I am empowered by a confidence that I will be a great teacher, father, and husband all in one!!
Finally, I would like to wish all of you out there a Merry Christmas. Remember the positive things in life, even as you deal with issues and struggles. We are so blessed with everything we have. While we always believe in our minds that things could be better, there is no better time than the present. Give someone a hug today! Frohe Weihnachten!!