Friday, October 15, 2010

A Productive Week

It's been a great week of learning for me as I continue to build my knowledge to become a great teacher. Last night, our classroom management class gave presentations on four different classroom and behavior management theorists. My presentation was based on the Synergetic Classroom ideas of C.M. Charles. I feel strongly about his ideas of getting to know your students, gaining their trust, and communicating positively in all situations. Charles is a bit idealistic in his views of managing a class, but I feel like his ideas line up well with my philosophy of teaching. My philosophy hinges on three factors: respect, enthusiasm, and hard work. By focusing my energies on engaging and understanding my students, I feel I can create a classroom full of energy and good relationships. I also learned the importance of coming to class prepared, setting guidelines and expectations clearly, and having a sense of "withitness" (being tuned in to your students). These were all ideas taken from other presentations. I have a much clearer picture of how I want to create my classroom management plan after this week! Thanks to my classmates for sharing some great ideas!

Today, I observed Herr Holt's classroom at B.F. Middle School for the first time. It was a fun experience, as his 7th graders were celebrating Oktoberfest! We sang, danced, and ate some great German food. I also experienced Herr Holt using a technology called the Airliner to teach vocabulary to his 8th grade students. He used his Airliner pad to "write" on a Word document displayed on the overhead. It was very interactive and allowed him to expound on each word. I will be observing again soon, and I look forward to finally teaching a few lessons to these students as well. Vielen Dank Herr Holt!! Bis bald!

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